Retirement: Nixon v. Carter (w/ Al & Nancy Budde)
Nixon and Carter hanging with VP Xiaoping
Mistaking tenures, three-legged stools, and marshalling children against parents is the PDM way this week as Dennis' parents, Al and Nancy, join us to discuss retirement, giving back, and why Nixon had the best group of friends.
As always you can vote on the winner here:
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Right to be Forgotten: Madison v. Buchanan (w/ Jessica Kelly Garrett)
James’ Madison and Buchanan in discussion on the war of 1812
Growing digital storage capability and instanteous global connection mean that we're forgetting less and less and blaming more and more. Recently there is a movement to recongize a right for all people to "oblivion" or to be "forgotten" that is to say, the ability of people to remove or delist information which they believe no longer accurately represents who they are and which may impede their ability to lead a normal life.
Jessica Kelly Garrett joins us to discuss this movement, it's pros and cons, how it applies to public figures, and which presidents may have taken advantage of this if it were offered to them.
Also we talk about a toddler's language skills and views on color theory.
It's a jam packed episode of Presidential Death-Match that we hope you enjoy!
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Inaugurations: Johnson v. Reagan
Carol Channing, Woody Allen, and Julie Andrews on break from rehearsing the entertainment for LBJ’s inauguration.
We talk inaugurations! Which turns out to be less fun than we thought. Still though, it's a great night.
Recorded before Biden's Inauguration (so we're cautiosuly optimistic of the events of that day,) we spend quite a lot of time wrapping up the discussion of the last two episodes before diving into the bland ceremony that is inauguration.
Dennis pulls some underperforming states out of his hat and we have a special visit from our Obama Inauguration correspondent, Carolyn Cooper (She's very fancy, you know.)
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James Buchanan’s Inauguration (March 1857.) The first ever photographed.
Underrated: Taylor v. Ford (w/ Emily Glankler)
Emily Glankler protected by her fairy God-mother and Fairy God-General.
After a disruptive week we return to the halycon days of very-early January 2021 to finish our discussion on Presidential rankings with Emily Glankler.
You can vote in our poll here:
We parse the difference between defense and security, tell ghost stories, and try to remember what John Tyler did for the country.
We discuss Ivan Eland's book Recarving Rushmore at length.
You can find more Glanktastic-views and opinons on the Anti-Social Studies podcast and youtube channel. Get Glanked!
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PDM: Rankings: Glankler v. History Dudes (w/ Emily Glankler)
Edith Wilson ranks low on presidential memorability polls.
Bon vivant and Dorothy Parker turned history teacher Emily Glankler joins us for a two point discussion on methods we've used for our national pastime: ranking presidents!
In this first part we cover many of the common ways opinion polls seek to order presidents and end by talking about history dude and bad party interlocutor Alvin Felzenberg's The Leaders We Deserved.
You can find more Emily on the Anti-Social Studies podcast and youtube channel.