Quarantine: Polk v. McKinley
Dennis and Aaron get a little punchy in the morning as they discuss isloation in the presidency, the gilded cage of the White House, and the unwisely named Salary Grab act!
You can vote for the winner here: https://www.strawpoll.me/42971884
Support the show at paypal.me/Pronoiatheater or Venmo: @pronoia
Reach out to contact@pronoiatheater.comm
Shasn: Arthur v. Wilson (w/ Zain Memon)
Politics encourages a level of skullduggery and short-term thinking, and politicians are incentivized to sort people into camps that argue about emblems instead of trying to solve problems. In his new board game, Shasn, designer Zain Memon tries to encourage political conversation by using the player's political opinion as the main resource generator in the game. He joins us today to discuss the origins of Shasn, the characters of politics, and the film the game was inspired from, An Insignificant Man.
Dennis and Aaron make jokes.
You can learn more about Shasn at: Playshasn.com
You can watch An Insignificant Man here.
Vote for the winner of the debate at: https://www.strawpoll.me/42940944
Reach out to us at Contact@pronoiatheater.com
Window Washer: Lincoln v. Truman (w/ Jake White)
From a young age Jake White knew he wanted to poke the eye of God and sought higher and higher places to stand. This eventually led him to window washing the famous(?) Austin skyline, and he talks to Dennis and Aaron about falling from his line, suction cupping around the building, and whether people would recongize Lincoln without his hat.
Vote for the winner of this week's debate here: https://www.strawpoll.me/42897366 and tell them Harry Truman sent ya!
If you want to support this show you can do so at paypal.me/Pronoiatheater or venmo: @Pronoia
Montanan: Pierce v. Hayes (w/ Jacob and Alex of Ginger on Ginger)
It's a battle of the one-termers this week as Jacob and Alex from the Ginger on Ginger podcast join us to talk Montanans, being from Montana, how cold Montana is, and whether North Dakot is just Montana acting out. Sadly a ten minute conversation about Ninja Turtles was cut for time. We hope you understand.
You can throw your lot in with us by voting on who you think won here: https://www.strawpoll.me/42877198
Support our guest over at their patreon: https://www.patreon.com/gingeronginger
Support us at paypal.me/pronoiatheater or Venmo: @pronoia.
Reach out: contact@pronoiatheater.com
Pet Owner: Grant v. Nixon (w/ Nicholas Mandrell-Anderson)
Fido Lincoln, Dog Trend Setter
We thought last week’s episodes foray into modern politics was contentious, but then we started slinging opinions about dogs! Dog trainer Nicholas Mandrell-Anderson joins us for discussion of training techniques, over-rated dogs, and the various animals named Pete in the White House. In the grand tradition of major parties everywhere Dennis poaches a third party candidate and hopes no one notices. It’s a grand old time this week on Presidential Death-Match!
Vote for the debate winner here: strawpoll.me/42841374
Reach out at contact@pronoiatheater.com