Presidential Death-Match Aaron Garrett Presidential Death-Match Aaron Garrett

PDM: What We Did On Our Summer Vacation

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We haven't been gone a long time, you have. Who's even talking about intermissions? What do you mean our podcast has been listed as "cancelled due to inactivity," I don't even know you anymore!

Dennis and Aaron are back in another delaying tactic for season three of Presidential Death-Match! This week they talk about the presidential antics they got up to over the summer including: a decidely un-Coolidge-esque 5k, the pumpkin eating tendancies of the eternally mortal Pierce family, and skimming alternate histories of Hamilton becoming presidents.

Enjoying easing back into the historical pool with this episode of Presidential Death Match!

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Presidential Death-Match Aaron Garrett Presidential Death-Match Aaron Garrett

CSPAN 2021: Buchanan v. Expectations

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We're back with more interregnum material (we really should just start this darn thing.)

CSPAN released their fourth survey of historians to rate our presidents: Dennis and Aaron comb through it to find where Trump debuted, where Obama is settling in, and who is the best at having administrative skills.

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Presidential Death-Match Aaron Garrett Presidential Death-Match Aaron Garrett

NY Mayor 2021

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Presidential Deathmatch is back with another season two interstitial! In celebration of Dennis’ birthday and Aaron’s wedding anniversary New York city decided to have its mayoral primary today! Thank you New York for moving it up by several weeks to give us this wonderful gift.

Aaron and Dennis discuss the current state of the mayoral race, nerdy voting practices, and two mayors of New York City’s past: the long-forgotten Fiorello LaGuardia, and the man whom every politician is compared to Richard Varick.

Don’t forget to vote for the winner here:

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Presidential Death-Match, God Kings Aaron Garrett Presidential Death-Match, God Kings Aaron Garrett

Presidential Death Match: Four Presidents Walk into a War

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GKIII Instgram Taylor.jpg

If you like your presidential history with a little more acting behind it stay tuned!

While season three continues to bake Aaron and Dennis pop in for a special episode of historical notes on the upcoming Pronoia production of God Kings III: Four Presidents Walk Into a War!

An original play of sketches covering the four presidents precedeing the civil war Four Presidents Walk into a War is the kind of humor you've come to expect from Presidential Death Match, but now there are more people besides Dennis and Aaron saying it!

You can watch it at on June 10th at 8 P.M. CDT.

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Presidential Death-Match Aaron Garrett Presidential Death-Match Aaron Garrett

Biden: Horror or Romcom?

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We end season two by taking a look at the president who wasn’t here when we started: Joe Biden. What’s he like, how would we use him in a debate, and what’s the deal with Scranton anyway? We also take a brief look at why people care about the first one hundred days and find out where our vice presidents come from (obscurity.)

We’re taking May off but we’ll be back in June with more stories of America Past!

If you’d like to vote in the poll you can do so here:

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