Scout: Jay v Goldwater
This holiday we're giving thanks for disillusionment!
Ideally we'd celebrate people for updating their beliefs and opinons based on new information, but our human biases often get in the way. This goes doubly for politicians who can be seen as spurning the voters who got them into office or not being team players.
Julia Galef's book The Scout Mindset offers a compelling argument for why we'd not only be healthier, but also happier if we make truth-finding our central goal instead of view-defending. Aaron and Dennis discuss this as well go deeper (too deep) on the Scopes Monkey Trial and Presidential Musicals.
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Card Collector: Clay v Bryan (W/ Aubrey Langston)
It’s a battle of the hat trick losers as Henry “The American” Clay takes on William “The Silver Bullet” Bryan in the most sedate debate yet!
Aubrey Langston joins us to talk about card collecting and why you sometimes get a rooster in your baseball cards.
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Host: Adams v Douglas (w/ Andrew Stout)
Andrew Stout is in studio (his apartment) to regale us with stories of his power trips in high school. We talk scolds, arts, crafts, behrs, bayers, and Bexars in this strangely careening episode of Presidential Death Match!
Rubber Mask: Thurmond v Kerry
In the spookiest month (November) Dennis and Aaron gather round a bubbling cauldron to talk which candidate's face you'd want to affix to your own. The fellows punt on Hawaii, talk about ruining their friend's business, and the many dualties of John Kerry.
Shoulda Been: Greeley v Lockwood (w/Riley Smith)
We're back for season 3! Aaron and Dennis start things off the way you love: by lamenting that they're no longer funny, talking Hawaii, diving into historical minutia.
Riley Smith is on this week so, you know, there's a lot of swearing.
We begin our exploration of failed presidential candidates by asking who of the hundreds of people who failed to get the office really should have had a shot: newspaper magnate Horace Greeley or suffragette Belva Ann Lockwood?
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