Ratskulling in Butter (Space Train 112)
Rory Rook and Tracey, Artificial Investigator, continue to track down leads on the mysterious cameras they found onboard the Space Train.
Meanwhile an employee incentivization program has Tommy eager to goad Gabrielle into finally doing her fair share of the work, and all the while Prof. Ratskull rails against a world that doesn't pay attention long enough to wrong him.
Space Train is an exciting and hilarious websitcom with new episodes every month from Pronoia Theater!
Liz Castillo as Sheriff Aldani
Lauren Hainley as Gabrielle DuBrasil
Ben Hudson as Boris
Alex Lange as Leah Zalensky
Sandra Peck Ramsey as Tracey
Steven Saltsman as Professor Ratskull
Kat Stroud as Tommy Edison
Kaitlyn Zoeller as Rory Rook
Meaghan Avacato
Sara Denton
Ian Mauzy
Seth Ramsey
Austin Brady as Thurman Bennett
Chelsea Curto as Sticky Charley
Manatee as Mr. Fluffles
Ruth McCleskey as Patty Parsons
If you like the show consider donating at paypal.me/Pronoiatheater
Venmo: @Pronoia