PM 87: Goals for 2022

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The year is dead, long live the year! Aaron and Steven gather together to set goals and intentions for 2022 since it seems like its going to stick around for awhile.

Aaron's goals:

  1. Four or more non-Aaron directors for Space Train

  2. Get a hold, clean-up, and formalize our digital presence

  3. Receive 26 rejections for grants, plays festivals etc. (reach out and apply to more things.)

  4. Produce Start Your Endings (or abandon the project)

  5. Film four or more video sketches.

  6. Pay off company debt.

  7. Challenge from Steven: Cancel or produce something for purely selfish reasons.

Steven's Goals:

  1. Establish medium-to-long term goals for the company.

  2. Perform at two new venues

  3. Develop classes and workshops

  4. Experiment with forms

  5. Finish, continue, and plan Space Train Seasons 2, 3, and 4

  6. Explore teaching

  7. Realize a full production

  8. Host more theatrical parties

  9. Pay performers for four or more productions.

  10. Challenge from Aaron: Have a higher excitement gate for things you agree to, and be more decisive in what you reject.

Reach out to

Support the show at, or venmo: @ Pronoia


Wikihow: Parker v. Cox


Pirates!: Frémont v. Blaine