Time commitment
Rehearsal for Space Train is very fast-paced. Our usual rehearsal schedule is nine hours over three days: the two Mondays (7-10 PM CT) preceding the broadcast and the Sunday (2-5 PM CT) before.
If you would like to deviate from that schedule (or add time to it) that may be possible, but please talk with Aaron as soon as you know you’d need it so the actors can be informed in a timely manner.
The rehearsal schedule can be tailored to your needs - and the wonderful Sandra Peck Ramsey, who does our scheduling, will help you do just that - but our usual rehearsal schedule is below.
Because the timing is so tight - and because we do two full runs (an initial read-through and final tech) - it’s likely some scenes will go unrehearsed. Please let Sandra know what you’d like to prioritize.
Rehearsals and performances are traditionally held on the same permanent Zoom link. If you’d like to use that Zoom link, Aaron will provide the credentials (unless he’s at the rehearsal), and if you want to use a different service, please let us know so we can inform the cast!
Rehearsal schedule
Rehearsal 1 - Monday (10 days before show)
1.5 hours full cast table read, 1.5 hours scheduled scene rehearsalRehearsal 2 - Sunday (4 days before show)
3 hours scheduled scene rehearsalRehearsal 3 - Monday (3 days before show)
1 hour scheduled scene rehearsal, 1.5 hours dress rehearsal with full techPerformance - Thursday
7:30 PM CT call, 8:00 PM CT show
Upcoming episodes
Season 2, Episode 9 (air date: May 5, 2022) - “The Play about a Tracey Robbery”
Dir. Aaron Garrett
At Rory's book release tensions are high because Tracey went missing a week ago and nobody has any leads. While trying to keep from exploding at each other Rory, Aldani, and Gabrielle try to maintain appearances to avoiding alerting a unusually sensitive Tracey'.
Season 2, Episode 12 (air date: August 4, 2022)
Season 2, Episode 10 (air date: June 2, 2022) - “Trial of the Sentry”
Dir. Ruth McCleskey
Gabrielle stands trial after the brutal murder of Tracey'. With Aldani by her side, Sticky Charley defending her, and Rory trying to drum up good press she's going to need far more help than she can get. Tracey grows frustrated with Nikita's overly cautious method to reintegrate Tracey onto the train.
Season 2, Episode 13 (air date: September 1, 2022) - “The Curious Incident of the Train at Space Time”
After helping Basil Shackleton rip through the multiverse the train gets hijacked by less than altruistic duplicates from other realities. As they fight their way back to the home universe they know and hate.
Season 2, Episode 11 (air date: July 7, 2022) - “The Inevitable Disembarkment of Sheriff Booker-Donovan Sean-Martin Aldani”
Sure, Aldani says she's finally going to complete her transfer to Space-Francisco when they dock at the end of the day, but Gabrielle doesn't believe it. She won't even dignify the sheriff with attention this plot is so obvious. Meanwhile Inter-Universal explorer Basil Shackleton crash lands on the train and Boris wants to get him, and his profane spaceship off the train as quickly as possible.