Pitcher's Mound Aaron Garrett Pitcher's Mound Aaron Garrett

Pitcher's Mound Fourth Edition

Pitcher's Mound returns in triumphant style!

Pitcher's Mound is a script workshopping show: a writer's panel brings the material they're working on which is performed by a team of skilled actors.

The panel then takes exalts in the work, digs into what makes it tick and how it can be refined.

It's an interesting look into the writing process where you get to see tomorrow's best comedy as it's being created!

SYCO 101 by Dennis Budde
Gabby- Cassie Randall
David- Mark Redd
Gustav- Patrick Thornton

A Cat's House by Steven Saltsman
Mistress- Alice Rhodes
Horse- Cassie Randall
Chez- Clarity Leigh Welch
Ted- Patrick Thornton

Never is Enough by Aaron Garrett
Sandra- Clarity Leigh Welch
Foster- Patrick Thornton

Terms of Engagement by Jacob Godbey
Kathryn- Alice
Tommy- Mark Redd

If you want to support the show you can donate to paypal.me/Pronoiatheater or venmo: @Pronoia

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Pitcher's Mound Aaron Garrett Pitcher's Mound Aaron Garrett

Pitcher's Edition Third Edition

Pronoia's unique public exhibition of the writing process is back for a third edition!

In Pitcher's Mound sketch writers submit some of their favorite new work and actors perform it without any direction. Afterwards the other writers critique and celebrate it as they give their thoughts towards improvement.

It's an unvarnished look at the creative writing process!

Hosted by Steven Saltsman


Charges Dropped
Written by Natalie Vaughn
Performed by Kathryn Noser, Diana Alcaraz, Clarity Leigh Welch

King of Sweden
Written by Ben Seidensticker
Performed by Steven Saltsman, Clarity Leigh Welch, Kathryn Noser

A Small Step for a Man
Written by Andrea Santoni
Performed by Kathryn Noser, Diana Alcaraz, Steven M Saltsman

Permanent Accessory
Written by Aaron Garrett
Performed by Clarity Leigh Welch and Steven M Saltsman

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Production Meeting, Pitcher's Mound Aaron Garrett Production Meeting, Pitcher's Mound Aaron Garrett

Production Meeting: Pitcher's Mound Actor's Opinion

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Did you enjoy Pitcher's Mound last Thursday? After the show we buffaloed the actors into sticking around and telling us what they thought of the show.

There's productive back and forth about what they would have liked to see, whether Ryan Terry is an acting angel sent from heaven, and what the dominion of writers vs. directors is.

Hear it all on this week's Production Meeting!

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